Our government has become the laughing stock of democracy and yet the reason few people are laughing is because few people realize what democracy really is. The Bush Administration has proven through its hard-right politics and unjustified war in Iraq that the government has gone too far! When our very own Bill of Rights is stepped on we do nothing. How can this be? Our basic rights as free Americans are defended in the first ten amendments of the Constitution and now even they are being either limited or taken away by the government under the false pretense of "national security". I feel that no body of government--not the President, Congress, Senate nor the Supreme Court has the authority to take away our rights as Americans. The U.S. Bill of Rights is our rock as a nation that is unwavering despite the changing policies in American government. The ideals that this country was founded on are infallible; unfortunately, people are not. And so our rights as free Americans should be made intangible to change by politicians with hidden alternative loyalties. From the Patriot Act all the way to the direct and unpunished lies of the Bush Administration that led to this war, we are slowly enslaving ourselves. The current administration had and used the rights appointed to it to install the Attorney General, Supreme Court judges and others but to allow them to interpret, nay, neglect our basic rights they were sworn to protect all in the name of party loyalty, that is treason against the American ideal.
Our patriotism is being put to the test, America! Are we going to let a minority control a majority? Are we going to allow our rights to be taken away in the name of national security? It is that very national security that should be protecting our rights, not taking them away! Are we going to let this administration spread more war and violence in an already increasing rift between us and the rest of the world? If there is anything this war has taught us it is that our government has gotten too comfortable in their Washington beds with pillow cases stuffed with shreds of our Bill of Rights. As Americans we must fight for America at home as well as abroad. We must take back America from the corruption and hold high our Bill of Rights...our Constitution...and in the face of those who would tear them apart and defend them. For nearly 230 years ago, our forefathers gave their lives so that they could give these rights to the people and within two centuries later, our very own government is seeking to become that tyranny in which we fought so passionately against in the Revolution.
Will we stand up for our rights as Americans and fight to reclaim them, protect them and fight all those who oppose them? As an American I say by God we will! The first step, though, in heading in any direction is to open your eyes. The second step is to commit to that direction you have chosen. And the third step is to walk it.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
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OK, sounds good. I appreciate your enthusiasm. And there are probably lots of us who agree & want to make a difference. But it seems like David vs Goliath. What do you suggest to walk that talk? How can concerned citizens really make a difference in an age where the political machine seems to have gotten so big it has a mind of its own? It feels like that mega-corporation in Terminator & soon the machines will be in charge, if they aren't already? Suggestions?
People can make a difference first of all by educating themselves on the issues and then voting. I know it sounds corny but it is the easiest way to make your mark. We claim to be fighting for Iraqis to use their democracy so let's use it here first! Also, writing in to newspapers, organizing rallies, music, artwork, even running for office are all possibilites and with the internet the number of people that can be reached are incredible. But you are right, it is difficult. But if the American colonists had rolled over because things were difficult we would all be sipping English tea right now. Nothing worth fighting for comes easy. This was a country founded by Davids who together overcame Goliath. Every monster has a weakness and this government's weakness is that it is directly effected by the people. But that is also it's strength if we can use it to serve the people (as it was meant to). Don't give up hope and get involved with politics either local or national. In numbers we can make a difference but together we are made up of individuals like you and I. Never underestimate your impact. That is where the government will get you. I hope this has answered your question and remember, there are an infinte number of ways to walk the talk and I know I haven't thought of all of them so don't give up, be creative yet peaceful and make your voice heard because people will listen!
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